As if I don't have a million things to do this time of year I feel the need to blog also. Not just about 1 thing, I have several things I want to blog about. I really would have never thought I would start a blog. Grammer and spelling (thank God for spell check) and writing in general have never been good subject areas for me. I really enjoy it though. Who knows if anyone actually read this but I like doing it so I'm going to continue.
So what am I planning?
A few days ago I was expressing my excitement over the coming holiday season and my little sister said "I can't wait for Christmas, we get lots of presents." My reply was, "that isn't what Christmas is about." She said, "I know, it is also Jesus' birthday." (in a much less excited voice). It hit me then, we get so busy doing all the Christmas stuff and forget the focus. To me Christmas is so much more, it is about giving, about recieving, recieving the best gift ever, Jesus. It is about love. It is about family. It is about fun. And to our family, it is about food :) I decided to start planning 24 acitivities to do as a family leading up to Christmas. Some are traditions we have done for years and some are crafts, and some are activities. All are fun! Therefore, my first blog series is about to be born. Look for Day 1 in the next few days. I hope to add one or two a day to get it done before December so if you feel inspired to do so you can join us. :)
I have been following a blog for awhile now called Money Saving Mom. I love it, it is about saving money, recipes, life with kids, simplify life, etc. She has recently started a series to get your home ready for the holiday season. She is calling it 4 weeks to a more organized home. Each day she posts an assignment and later in the day posts her progress. She put an invitation for people to take pictures and blog about it if they choose, so I figured my house could use a little help, I could use a little motivation, and knowing I'm not doing this alone is going to make it easier. She started last week, I won't start until Monday and will only plan on posting on weekdays, skipping the week of Thanksgiving :)
I will also be sharing random Thanksgiving ideas (games, crafts) and Christmas ideas (games and crafts).
If all goes as planned there will be many new posts over the next few weeks but please remember I am human and life is crazy, plans are just that, plans...sometimes they happen, sometimes they don't. I apologize now if I get behind.
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