Today's station idea is puzzles. Pretty self explanitory, I know. Good thing since I can't find my camera. Puzzles are available at all times to our children. If you have children though, you probably know that they don't play with half the stuff they have. Give them 10 minutes though and say you may only play with puzzles, they enjoy it. Our puzzle station puzzles are not puzzles they have access to at all times. They are special ones, ones they only get to use on occassion. We probably do a puzzle station once a week usually with the option of 2 puzzles. (It has been requested by the girls that we have girly stations, this is one I can easily give them the option of something girly. The Dollar tree has lots of princess puzzles usually.) Most of my puzzles have been picked up at the dollar tree (they have puzzlse of all sizes for only $1). I have also found puzzles in the dollar section at Target and most recently at the newly added dollar spots in our Walmart.
I hope tomorrow to have a cooler station idea with pictures, providing I can find the camera and figure out how to add the pictures. I have many more ideas. Come back soon.
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