On Monday I had a terrible migraine and didn't feel like gathering station materials. In a perfect world I would have tons of them ready to go but since I'm just getting this thing off the ground that isn't the case. (Although I got several together yesterday and a few more together today.) It was also a beautiful fall day (not typical at all for Florida) and my dad was going to be preparing dinner (usually I'm cooking during station time). So, I decided we would skip stations and I would keep an eye on them while they played outside.
When the kids got off the bus and ran to the table for snack time they noticed there were no supplies for stations. Usually I have all the materials in the middle of the table to explain them before moving them to their special areas. "What are we doing for station time?" I was asked. I replied, "We are going outside instead of stations." I was met with a loud and long, "Nooooooooo!" Don't get me wrong these kids love to play outside (we try to go out every evening after dinner). They were so disappointed there were no stations though. Such a satisfying moment for me. Sometimes as moms, teachers, caregivers we often wonder if what we do is noticed or appreciated (maybe I'm alone with those feelings). It was so neat to hear they really loved stations.
We started stations back up yesterday and will do some new ones today. I'm working on many new ones to share with you, (will be putting up a new set of four ideas with those cute dollar tree items I posted about yesterday, tomorrow).
Coming in a bit...a way we are trying to get ahold of arguing and complaining in our house.
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