I am...a Christian. A child of God. I have had a relationship with Christ for since I was 15 years old. I attend Valparaiso Assembly of God in Valparaiso, FL. I love being involved in church and love seeing my kids and other people's kids grow in Christ.
I am...wife to Casey. Casey and I met in 1998, during a visit home from college. He had come to Niceville with the United States Air Force. We didn't start dating until fall/winter 1999 and were engaged February 2000. We married June 17th, 2000. Yes, that means I have been married 12 years (that also means, I'm getting old, ouch!) We've been through some things, moved to Okinawa, Japan for 4 years, lost our house and all our belongings in Katrina, and got out of the Air Force. We are stronger for everything we have faced. I can't imagine life without him. He is the love of my life.
I am...mom to Shane and Zachary. Growing up I always knew I wanted to be a mom. Some girls grow up with big plans to be different things. I wanted to be a mom, I didn't care what else. In November 2006 we welcomed our first son, Shane Russell Walters. He is such a joy, so sweet, tender hearted, sensative and smart. In May 2009 we welcomed our second son, Zachary Russell Walters. He is so much fun. Similar and different from his big brother. He is more fiesty, sometimes sneaky but so sweet. Yes, both of our children have the same middle name, I agree it is a little strange. It is a family name though, Casey's middle name, his dad's middle name and his grandfather's middle name is/was Russell. I'm not sure if it goes back farther or not. We decided to carry it on. If we had 10 boys they would all have the same middle name (we don't plan on anymore children though).
I am...daughter to Lloyd and Shannon Losinger. My parents have faced many difficult situations but have overcome them all. They have amazing strength and determination. I'm so proud to be their daughter. Together they had 3 children. When life should have been slowing down for them they took in two foster children. One of those boys is now my brother. Also added are two more beautiful sisters. They have spent their lives giving to people. They are amazing to me. They are there for whoever needs them.
I am...sister to 5 siblings. I am the oldest of 6 children, 3 blood sisters and 3 adopted siblings. Although to us, blood means nothing. they are my brother and sisters. Yes, we have different birth parents but we are one family. They were picked to be part of our family. Missy is the second of the Losinger children although now she is a Lovell. She is married to Jacob. Kristen is the next sister. She is still a Losinger although that will change someday :) Kyle is my only brother (I do have several brother-in-laws, Casey has 4 sisters himself). He is 11 and all boy. He loves football and video games. Erica has just turned 7 and is so studious. She loves reading and writing. Toya is now 6 (well tomorrow). She and Shane are the same age. She is sweet and sneaky all at once. She is Zachary's best friend I think, she is always loving on him.
I am...a teacher at heart. I have no official degree but it is in my blood. I love teaching kids. I love watching them learn something. I love planning activities for them. I love being with kids. I come from a huge family that is very kid oriented. I have been involved in kids ministry since I got saved. Our children's pastor at the time gave me a place and let me help her in kids church. She had a huge impact on my life (and consequently the lives of many children I believe).
So...why am I doing this? Well for many of the above reasons, because I am a mom, sister and teacher. I'm always on the lookout for new activities for events we are doing or holiday time or just because. This school year presented me with a problem. Everyday I get the kids off the bus and we hang out while I cook dinner for everyone. The first couple of days were crazy, I realized the kids needed some downtime, alone time. They had been with people all day and just needed a break. After snack we have about 1 hour before dinner. Perfect amount of time for activities. So i started station time with them. I could find TONS of preschool stuff but NOTHING for Kyle's age (11). Even Erica in first grade can read but Shane and Toya (both in Kindergarten) can't so not everything is all on each of their levels. So I began searching the internet thinking I must be the only one with an issue like this. Surely I'm not though, so I decided I would make a blog posting ideas for different age levels that we have done or would like to do. So that is what I will do, postings on activities, recipes for kids, and much, much more as time goes by. Some activities will be educational, some just fun :)
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